Waste Tyre Scrap

We bring forth for our clients an extensive range of high performing Tyre Scrap those are made by high grade of material. These scrap are used in various industries for various purpose. We provide them at very competitive price to our customers.

The basic difference between a retreaded tire and a new one is that a retread has new tread rubber added to a previously used casing that has been designed for a multiple life. Retreads enable the bus operator to keep costs down, improve profit margins and increase the value received from tires.

The foundation of a successful retreading program starts with good tire casings. Structurally, new and retreaded tires are virtually the same. With proper care, commercial bus tires can be retreaded two or three times, providing hundreds of thousands of miles of additional tire life.

The tire casing will eventually wear beyond retreadability, but collecting that many miles takes a long time, and during this time, the tire being kept in use as a retread reduces the scrap tire problem and saves the bus fleet operator money.

Although tires are highly complex structures – among the most durable objects the rubber industry has ever created – bus operators are not overly fascinated by tire complexity. They simply demand that a tire support the bus and carry its “cargo” over the road surface with relative smoothness, and do those things for a long time with no trouble.

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