June 2019

Pervious Rubber Pavements

Khandesh Pervious Pavements is a porous rubber pavement system composed of 100% recycled post-consumer tires. With drainage rates of up to 2,000 gallons per square foot, Khandesh Pervious Pavement is a great on-site stormwater management solution. The large recycled crumb rubber granulate used in Khandesh Pervious Pavement creates a very porous, open grid surface allowing for

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Running Track Flooring

Khandesh rubber running tracks provide an ergonomic, safe, non-slip surface for walking, jogging, and overall physical fitness. Perfect for schools, recreation centres, military bases, communities, and corporate campuses, our rubber training tracks are specifically designed to offer pedestrians and joggers a low-impact, good traction, firm yet resilient running track surface. Khandesh running tracks are porous,

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